Showing posts with label Captain Chunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Captain Chunk. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2011

Chunk! no, Captain Chunk.: Something for Nothing

Five questions about Chunk! no, Captain Chunk (answers appear at the bottom of the post).

1) Is this the worst band name ever?

2) Do they really have bands like this in Paris? Paris?!?

3) Is combining growl-metal and pop-punk (a.k.a. easy-core) REALLY a good idea?

4) Is laughing out loud while listening to an album, not because of the any obvious jokes but just because of the sheer chutzpa of it all, a good sign?

5) Will anyone who reads this grandpa-punk blog be able to stomach this unsettling mix of Blink 182, Andrew W.K and Cannibal Corpse (or maybe the latter's 3rd generation spawn - what do I know about metal anyway?)

1) Yes!

2) Yes.

3) Yes-

4) Probably

5) Maybe...



P.S. In the event of this band (or their immediate successors) hitting the big time I apologize...)