Yup, those damn bloggers keep spreadin' unjustifiably unheard music around the world for almost zilch reward.
Remember those almost iron-clad caveats:
- avoid full versions of readily available releases
- offer full releases (single, e.p. or album) with artwork
- give a write-up offering at least some context
This is an actual picture of the collection(or some portion thereof).
1. The Gas Ignore Me (UK Angry new wave, 1981) Power-Pop Action
2. V.A. Room to Move (Killed by Ireland, 1980) Punk Friction
3. V.A. Ca Plane Pour Moi (A "one song-many versions" post) Bleedin' Out
4. Grandpa Boy(a.k.a. Paul Westerberg) 7" (U.S. Introspective-rock, 1997) Willfully Obscure
5. Larry Wallis Police Car (U.K. Proto-greebo, 1977) Sons of the Dolls
6. Gaslight Anthem Acoustic Sessions (U.S. Heartland punk, 2008) Nuzz Prowllin' Wolf
7. The Clues Mini LP (U.K. ModSkaPop) Always Searching for Music
8. Innocents One Way Love (U.K. Girl-power-pop, 1980) Killed by Death
9. Cringer Time for a Little Something (U.S. Anarcho-pop-punk, 1991) Nothin' Sez Somethin'
10. V.A. World's in Shreds Volume 4 (U.S. Lo-fi-pop-punk) Punk archives
11. New Math Die Trying (UK High-fructose power-pop, 1979) Short Sharp Kick in the Teeth
12. DeCylinders Singles (Accented Netherlands power-pop, 1979-1981) Vibrator Buzz
13. John Fogerty Mid-period singles (Lodi swamp-rock) Power Pop Lovers (Link shows two singles, "Walkin' Down the Road", which is great and "You Got the Magic" which is not.)
14. Sleeper Wasted Today (U.S. Dischord-ant pop-punk,1993) Punks on Postcards
15. Pure Hell These Boots are Made for Walking(U.S. Bowery-punk, 1978) Last Days of Man on Earth
16. The Strike Take Action (Can. -U.S. Jam/Clash/SLF punk, 1994) Shotgun Solution
17. The Regents 7 Teen (Abba-punk, 1980) Nothin Better To Do
18. Mobster - 7" (U.K. Pop-ska, 1980) Ballistic Wax
19. Grant Hart 2541 (U.S. Mope-rock, 1988) The Blasting Concept
20. Cringer Zen Flesh, Zen Bones (U.S. Anarcho-syndicalist-pop-punk, 1988) Mustard Relics
21. The Pleasers - S/T (UK Beatles-rip-off, 1977) Ratboy
22. English Punk Invasion (A grab bag of singles) Bombs of Peace
Due to my own limitations, many great bloggers are not represented here - find more musical spadework in my blogroll.
Thanks to

Just to add a great singles post, here' s Scotland's Rezillos (more here) with their slightly muddy 1978 BBC Sessions which includes a revamped "I Can't Stand My Baby".
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