With the departure of lead-guitarist Dave Gregg, who kinda-almost-sorta played Mick Jones to Joey Shithead's Joe Strummer, in 1988, something great about D.O.A was lost forever. However, any band led by Joey Shithead is D.O.A. To be fair, 1990's Murder, their first album with new guitarist Chris "Humper" Prohom, has surprising strength, especially considering the dull swill many other survivors of the hardcore era were producing by that time.
The video for the electrifying opening track, "We Know What You Want" is, all budgetary limitations aside, quite excellent. It crosses Three Stooges slapstick with a David Mamet-styled satire of the bottom-feeders of capitalism. (Take special note of the mugging of wrestling legend Gene Kiniski, fresh off his appearance with Joey and Jello Biafra in the film, Terminal City Ricochet). The albums also boasts the finger-pointin', shout-that-chorus rocker, "The Agony and the Ecstasy" and the harmonica-driven "Concrete Beach".

Download D.O.A. - Murder L.P.

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