Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Spazzys: Dumb is Forever (2011)

After one of those soul-crushing legal battles that are a part of rock lore (i.e. Springsteen's forced inactivity in the mid-70's) The Spazzys have re-emerged with a newly released, Japanese-only, album titled Dumb is Forever. Definitely more of a power-pop (Cheap Trick division) album than a pop-punk one, this is still an ass-kicking, name-taking record. While a certain bitterness pervades the album ("Divorce",  "Dissolution Was the Only Solution, "Love = Pain") these rippling, melodic songs (check out the Fastbacks-like "Best Waves Ever") just exude a steely undaunted sound. Since these songs were actually recorded years ago, maybe we can now hope for a quick, rocking follow-up with international distribution. (For lots more Spazzys on MRML go HERE!)

Let us know what you think of this new Spazzys stuff in the COMMENTS section!

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  1. "Aloha, Go Bananas" is one of the best albums to come out in the last ten years. I bought this album earlier this summer and I am still trying to get used to it. It is pretty different that "Aloha..." I think I wanted more of the type of stuff they did on that album; therefore, I am still in the midst of getting used to it. I like "Divorce" and "Understand"...some of the other stuff....meh. Oh, and can you repost the set with Marky Ramone? Thanks.


  2. So Japanese only means we can order it from...?

  3. CallPastorJerkface-

    I found mine on ebay. I am not sure if it was from the label that put it out or not; however, it was sealed and brand new.


  4. Hey, it's the new Donnas. I like their older stuff a lot. Now I'll name drop The Eyeliners.


  5. Thanks Nick! I'll check it out.

  6. hey, this band is giving me strange feelings in my loins. gotta go to my preacher and ask why. neat-o stuff!

  7. Glad to see them back ! Love to see a tour with them and White Flag ! Girls Rock Too !!!

  8. Nick
    It's true it's less Ramones-ey but I still like it.

    I kinda like the Donnas first album but they lost their charm pretty quick, now as for the Eyeliners...

    Loin-exciting- neat-o stuff indeed!

    Whatever happened to WF anyway, they were a fascinating and weird band.


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