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Mitt Romney leaves podium after speaking about U.S. consulate killings in Benghazi, Libya via AP |
With even Republicans condemning his reckless, inaccurate reaction to the attack on the American embassy in Libya (the substantial and growing tally is here and here), it seems that Governor Romney's willingness to play etch-a-sketch with the truth has finally created a measure of bi-partsianshipness in America. As Obama sagely said when asked if Romney's statement was irresposible, "...Let the American people judge that". And I believe they will, I truly believe they will.
Don't underestimate the stupidity of those who watch Fox News and religiously listen to Rush Limpballs.
ReplyDeleteThey worry me too but the fog might be starting to lift.
DeleteRomney lies so much, so badly and with so little strategy that I think some people are just gonna have to face reality.
Obama lies with strategy. He is the clear choice for another miserable 4 years.
DeleteI know you hate Obama, really I do. But do you really think lowering the taxes of the rich, loosening regulations and boosting military spending is going to make the next four years of your life better?
DeleteI think you know it isn't going to and that part of why you hate Obama because you know he's the better choice in this election.
I mean really even if YOU think they're both liars, wouldn't you prefer the one who 'lies with strategy' versus the one who lies without rhyme or reason?
P.S. I'm (almost) flattered by your user name, neffej.
DeleteMitt's being attacked by his own kind. I'm really enjoying this. :-)
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy seeing a man hoisted on his own petard, what will come of it I'm still unsure, hopeful, but unsure....
DeleteThis guy Romney is the BIGGEST piece of shit ever foisted on the American public. Heartless, callous, reckless and can't tell a truth if his life depended on it. A piece of shit if ever there was one. Oh did I mention he is a piece of shit?
ReplyDeletenice. eloquently put. You are quite the statesman. Looking forward to the debates
DeleteObama backers are mad as hell and not willing to take the lies of the Republican party. And that's (mostly) a good thing. Obama, Biden & co, however, are not filled with rage, just confidence.
Obama is far from perfect but he's still a damn sight better than Romney who would just as soon send your job overseas for an extra corporate dollar than give you the time of day. If he's elected him and his rich backers will make out like bandits while everyone else is left holding the bag. Not to mention the war with Iran that Israel just can't wait to start when they have a compliant tool in the White House.
ReplyDeleteI think I agree with every word you wrote. I feel optimistic for America, when I read words like that.
DeleteHow can you feel optimistic when the President we have is weak and the guy running against him is a bozo? America deserves better
DeleteI can't agree with either of your assessment.
DeleteMitt is ruthless and well-connected businessman (who adMITTedly runs political campaigns like a bozo.
Obama is strong; he saved General Motors, fought like hell to pass the ACA, brought down Gaddafi, killed Bin Laden, decimated Al-Queda and stopped the Great Recession.
It's your logic that's weak.
obama knows nothing about free enterprise. he only sees "the wealthy" (anyone with a job who gets up in the morning and goes to work) as a source of taxes to redistribute to unions and wealthy law students looking for free birth control. romney is not perfect, but is is worth a shot. our country is worse off than it was when obama took office. twice as many people went on food stamps last month as got a job. that figure says it all.
ReplyDeletemrml, i love your blog. Your readers come here for your great taste in music, not your political views, your religious beliefs or your sexual preferences.
I'm tempted to fall back on the rock-solid argument that it's MY blog (hence the name, Music Ruined MY LIFE)and I'll do whatever the hell I want here.
DeleteBut to be honest with you the hits are exactly the same for the political posts (though I often do them as the secondary post) and, more importantly, they quickly spark conversation - both pro and con. If you really follow what I do, you should be aware that I'm in this game for the comments.
So thanks for your encouragement to keep up with the political posts.
let me just say, as someone who's heard it all, that it's fucking great!
DeleteYour taste in music is far superior to your misguided political musings. Obama is a disaster-period. "Tax The Rich"...."Till There Are No Rich No More" is lousy fiscal policy.
ReplyDeleteThe 60's are over
It never ceases to amaze me the sheer inarticulateness of the of the right-wing conservative base.
DeleteI mean did you read any of the post, Evil Rev? or did you see the word 'Obama' and pick a random talking point?
We weren't discussing taxation, we were discussing a foreign policy statement that elicited bi-partisan condemnation for its ignorance.
Politics can't just be reduced to mindless, irrelevant cliches
Can it?
P.S. As far as your barb about music is concerned, you may have inspired another political post.
I'm afraid you're right about the inarticulateness, jeffen. I'm hoping it's just that the most vocal conservatives online who are the most illiterate, that the others are able to express themselves intelligently and do some research on the issues. I'm almost done with trying to have a rational discussion with these idiots online.
DeleteYesterday, a woman and I each politely responded to a post about an anti-Obama video that was obviously cut, pasted, and edited to make it look like he was a Muslim. The first moron who replied told us we'd be happy burning American flags with our Iranian friends (???). His buddy was next, and told him not to waste his time on us, it was like teaching a pig to sing! The only reason I bother is because I'm afraid these idiots might influence undecided voters.
Here's the link to the video:
Jeffen, it never ceases to amaze ME how left wingers assume that anyone against obama's taxation policy AND his overseas endeavors are conservatives. what makes you think we are conservatives? shows you watch too much MSNBC. I am a Libertarian, not a conservative. Huge difference. I bet most of your posters who disagree with you are are Libertarians as well.
DeleteY'know I covered my take on the Libertarian/Republican split (or lack thereof) on the most recent post:
DeleteY'know I WISH I could tell libertarians apart from Republicans but like so many Christian groups they've mostly tied their boats the the Republican battlecrusier and all just mouth the EXACT same poisonous rhetoric.
While I respect some of the libertarian critiques of Obama (drug war, civil liberties. foreign intervention) the fact that so many of them have attached themselves to the Republican Party, which has DEMONSTRABLY WORSE positions all of the above sickens me.
Another brilliant article by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone.
Wall Street has tried to debunk the article ... rarely poorly.One example:
Response from Taibbi.
OMG! You people follow the party lines like sheep to the slaughter. Obama is the worst President we've had since Jimmy Carter, but at least Jimmy didn't take away our freedoms at every turn (behind the scenes of course and without Congress' approval)! His administration is full of crooks and dimwits...hmm...sounds just like the previous administration to me! Obama is nothing if not shrewd - just look at how he got the travesty known as Obamacare passed while the Democrats were in charge! You people need to get your heads out of your asses and see that this is all a divide and conquer tactic by people who are so rich and stay behind the scenes but really control everything. So no matter who we put in as President WE will be the real loosers! The two party system is a friggin' joke! BOTH the Democrats AND Republicans are responsible for getting this country so far into debt (just like Europe) that we will NEVER get out from under it no matter what we do. Mark my words...we are in for very bad times starting in 2013 and if you think it's been bad so far...just wait. Rolling Stone Magazine is run by very rich people with an agenda just like BOTH political parties. So if you think you are getting the real truth from them you are delusional! Good luck in the next 2 years with whomever gets elected to be our next President! The founding fathers must be turning over in their graves the way their magnificent creation (the United States) has been reduced to a second or third class society by voters and politicians! You have no one to bitch and moan about except yourselves! Welcome to the new world order!
ReplyDeleteThat's a big paragraph, sir.
ReplyDeleteIt sort of talks in Republican-speak for the first half and then veers deep into 'a pox on both their houses' kid of thinking.
Who created a a surplus?
Bill Clinton (D).
Who turned surplus into on-going deficit?
George W. Bush
That proves a huge difference between the two parties. Which is not to say, that I entirely disagree with your suggestion that the parties share too much in common. I just know which is the party of war, debt and paranoia.
P.S. re the above, I also think Clinton/Bush (sixteen of the last twenty years) are more relevant to our discussions today than Jimmy Carter.