America, the truth is out at last; Mitt Romney hates you.
There are
approximately 311,591,917 citizens in America.
146,448,201 of them are, in Romney's words, 'dependent' 'victims' '...who pay no income tax'. In case you think his point was just not 'elegantly stated', he twists the knife further by saying, "I'll never convince
them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." (See the secretly-recorded video
A '
cling to their guns and religion' moment? Hardly. While that line may be the dumbest thing Obama ever said, the full context reveals a genuine empathy for a group of neglected people that is marred by condescension and inept wording. But the full context of this speech, Romney standing in front of his fellow 1%'ers saying that half of America are welfare bums who can't and won't take care of themselves makes it the most stomach-turning moment of this campaign bar none.
You, the regular American, can pretend that he couldn't possibly be talking about
But, in fact, the odds are good that it
is you he's just damned.
In the end, however, it is for the best that Mr. Romney's hateful divisiveness has been stripped bare for everyone, Americans and those of us in the rest of the world, to see.
Sadly it is still very likely that Rmoney will win the election. Goodbye middle class.
ReplyDeleteWell Obama's been ahead by a bit in the polls for a year, I believe he has a fighting chance to save the middle class.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest danger is the Karl Rove money filtering donwticket and electing another slew of Republican obstructionists.
Mother Jones is your source of news? That shrill old hippie bunch? If you are turning this into a liberal political blog, then i am out of here, along with probably half of your readers: libertarian, conservative and independent working people who are part of the 53% that still pay taxes and are sickened by the direction that obama is dragging this country.
DeleteThe video was online for several weeks, dude. Mother Jones was apparently the first publication to fact check it. How ironic that a grandson of Jimmy Carter, the man vilified at the RNC, was the person to verify it's authenticity. Right back at ya, RNC.
DeleteWhat the fuck?
The source is Mitt Romney's big mouth.
You're so desperate as to question who merely posted the damning video?
I don't know who posted the Obama 'cling to their guns and religion' speech because I would never be so intellectually dishonest.
Y'know I WISH I could tell libertarians apart from Republicans but like so many Christian groups they've mostly tied their boats the the Republican battlecrusier and all just mouth the EXACT same poisonous rhetoric.
While I respect some of the libertarian critiques of Obama (drug war, civil liberties. foreign intervention) the fact that so many f them have attached themselves to the Republican Party, which has DEMONSTRABLY WORSE positions all of the above sickens me.
I was stunned when I heard this on the news. He now embodies every stereotype about rich white men. All he needed to do was make a remark about the welfare Cadillacs. Totally, completely clueless. I just watched Jon Stewart, hilarious!
ReplyDeleteY'know someone commented somewhere "We're all welfare Queens now" to show just how much more drastic these people have gotten.
DeleteI will watch Stewart, as I need to know his reaction.
ReplyDeleteY'know when Romney makes a mistake I often enjoy it but this...this is so sickening. It casts a pall over the whole election.
guten morgen and a heartfully hello,
ReplyDeletesorry - i haven`t leave a comment for a long time. be sure i`m still a fan of your blog.
as for romney - american people i hope you send romney to hell. these are the politics of our time:,arrogant,autocratical they hate people.
stop these marionettes....
in germany is it not better....
all the best
yours herr pauli
"they hate people." those kinds of politicians exist everywhere and must always be stopped!
DeleteThis is too depressing for words... It's not even funny any more, it's just sick. When will people get the message that these twats go into politics for their own benefit and not for that of their country. They don't deserve your vote. Any of them.
ReplyDeleteDepressing, indeed.
DeleteThis is the single worst thing I've heard a politician say about hi people in my lifetime.
I watched the video and read the transcript. Depressing, disturbing, and hateful, coming from someone who wants to be the leader of my country.
Delete"My job is not to worry about those people".
Then you don't deserve to be President of the United States. Mitt.
"My job is not to worry about those people".
DeleteThen you don't deserve to be President of the United States. Mitt.
was waiting for this post!
ReplyDeleteremember that obama did the exact same thing.
he is a rich guy too. you guys are not smart enough to see through his shmoozing style.
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,... And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
and sometimes the truth hurts.
and sometimes it comes out rough too.
the country will not go anywhere if we have no jobs and do not require people to get off welfare. does not matter who is president.
"was waiting for this post!"
DeleteHonoured but I'd be even more honoured if you actually READ it, rather then just looking at the picture and springing into attack mode.
I DID mention the Obama 'clinging to guns and religion', as did almost everyone who wrote about this scandal.
I, and others, have mentioned that in context Obama's condescending and ill-spoken line still shows compassion for the American people; it doesn't say it's not his job to care about them or that they'll never learn self-sufficiency.
Read, seriously actually READ what Romney said; this was an attack on the American people including yourself!
Y'know I don't 100% disagree, with you when you say, "the country will not go anywhere if we have no jobs and do not require people to get off welfare. does not matter who is president."
However, the guy most qualified to keep America working is the guy who stopped the Great Recession and got private sector job growth going not the guy who likes to fire people so long as it turns a profit.
Well one thing can be said of Obama. he is not a flip-flopper. He has ALWAYS been for redistribution and spreading the wealth, for making America an average nation among all others, for having the cost of electricity necessarily sky rocket, for supporting a single payer health care system, for Marxism, for giving his friends (Solyndra just one of many) a great deal at the expense of taxpayers, for abortion as a method of contraception (you can't be punished with a baby if you were just too stupid to understand how people get pregnant).... I could go on but chances are you get the idea.
DeleteThis laundry list of right-wing media talking points is breath-taking in its disconnect form reality.
DeleteDo you seriously think critical minds reading this blog are gonna be swayed by ENTIRELY unsubstantiated (and demonstrably false) claims like Obama being a "Marxist", being for "for making America an average nation among all others" and being "for abortion as a method of contraception"?
Wake up! The Republican Party hates you and the people you love - abandon them and their propaganda-fueled media!
True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice that produces beggars needs restructuring.
ReplyDelete-Martin Luther King, Jr., civil-rights leader (1929-1968)
The United States Of America is the first nation who managed to go from barbarism to decadence without passing through civilization.
-George Bernard Shaw
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi
In times of trouble, words of wisdom soothe the soul.
Calling from Wales, UK. Please, America, do not vote for Romney - we'll all be in danger. I don't suppose Mr. Obama is perfect but Romney is, surely, beyond the pale. Learn the lessons of your time under Reagan and the Bush's and give hope a chance.
ReplyDeleteSinging bear, you have put concisely, what I have taken many, many more words to say.
DeleteHey Jeffen
ReplyDeleteAll those middle class folks who use medicare and medicaid.The wounded vets that use the VA.University graduates who have had subsidized educations.I could go on ... Mitt hates you!Why vote for Mitt?Read Thomas Frank's 'What's The Matter With Kansas'.How explosive social issues can be combined with pro-business economics resulting in people voting against their own self interests.
Yeah people like Paul Ryan and Romney's own parent fall under Mitt's
Delete'dependent' 'victims' designation.
This is not taken out of context. This ridiculous notion that the people who do not currently earn enough money after deductions to pay income tax (although of course most pay other payroll taxes which proportionately fall harder on low incomes than high incomes), sales taxes, and other taxes) are just a bunch of deadbeat parasites who thereby support the Democrats who cater to them is an increasingly prevalent view of those in Republican circles.
ReplyDeleteThis contempt for principally the working poor (although the group also includes mainly retired people and low-income military personnel) is sickening and should bring people to attention.
Plus, of course, Romney misses that a lot of these folks vote Republican.
Please lose, Mitt.
Yeah the context of this piece actually makes the words he spoke worse!
DeleteThe fact that so many of that 47% pay-no-income tax group vote Republican is fascinating. Can being called a no-account leech by the man atop your presidential ticket break the spell?
Obama probably "hates" most of you posting. IMO, if you're Caucasian & successful, BHO most likely resents you. "You Didn't Build That" (a true "Dr Freud" moment) is far more damaging than this little piece of campaign strategy discussion caught on tape.
ReplyDeleteMother Jones is the magazine that turned me into a conservative 21 years ago. I was once a subscriber(very briefly-I cancelled after 2 issues). I was horrified at their anti-American positions.
The USA (& most likely the world) can't afford "four more years". Romney is not a great candidate (my pick was Ryan-Rubio), but he's far more competent than the community organizer.
Truth hurts, hippies.
"Obama probably "hates" most of you posting. IMO, if you're Caucasian & successful, BHO most likely resents you."
DeleteLook closely at your use of qualifiers like 'probably', and 'most likely 'and 'In My Opinion'.
It just highlights the fact that while we're analyzing the ACTUAL words of Mitt Romney, you like Clint Eastwood, are lecturing an imaginary person.
"You Didn't Build That"
God the stink of desperation that rises off of the the idea of building an entire convention around the president's less-than-perfect syntax is over-powering. Every person who heard the entire speech knows that the quote has been mangled and de-contextualized.
As for idea of Mother Jones in the seventies turning you conservative, that makes sense to me. There's been many times where different leftist groups have totally alienated me but it's never been enough to make me make common cause with the monied class that demands an ever-greater share of the national wealth.
Rev, I suspect you know that this is the wrong man at the wrong time.
Listen again to the speech, Evil Rev, this man hates the less fortunate. And compared to Mitt Romney, you, I and everyone we know is less fortunate. Hating the middle class is more anti-American then any idea I've heard on the left in years.
Jeffen you seem to have all the answers. so here's a question for you. Isn't it more important for our President to meet with netanyahu than to go on letterman and party with beyonce and jay-z?
DeleteNo it's important that our President put on a flightsuit, pretending to be a real-life miliary hero, and declare "mission accomplished" while sending more young men and women to dangerous service and death and injury while continuing to inflict dysfunction and misery on a country. Oh, and run up tremendous deficits while lacking the balls to actually ask people to pay for those debts.
DeleteIn other words, I judge 'em by what they accomplish and not by something as foolish as what celebrities they might associate with to help their election.
Anon (again!
The president and the one-term Governor are currently campaigning and meeting with all sorts of Americans.
Perhaps the meeting with Mr. Netanyahu will take place AFTER Obama's trounced Bibi's lap-dog in the general.
P.S. Don't tell me you bought that that pirate picture thing because that was such a scam that Fox (yes, FOX!) backed down and ran away with their tail between their legs!
DeleteWhy did I bother you take-down was note-perfect!
Evil Rev,
DeleteJust like all you right wing assholes you take 4 words he said (you didn't build that) and use them out of context. Known Repug ploy. But that's what your kind does.
yeah, you lib assholes do no wrong and never take anything out of context. Your kind does it as well and you know it.
DeleteAs to 'taking things out-of-context', the Republican Party has, from the beginning of this campaign (The ad mis-using the "If we keep talking about the economy we're going to lose" to now ("Building an ENTIRE convention around ta deliberate misunderstanding of "you didn't build that") been consistently de-contextualizing things the president said.
DeleteWhere's your list of things The Democrats have taken out of context? The video?
Really the context of that speech doesn't change the meaning at all, except by making it worse.
The fix is in, there's only one party that hates half of America and is willing to lie blatantly to disguise that fact!
DeleteI guess you could eliminate government and be part of the black clothed anarchists that disrupt peaceful protests.They really hate government.
Have you ever worked or travelled in either communist or fascist countries?I have had the pleasure/displeasure to do both.
Do you know the difference between democratic socialism and communism?Do you know the definition of fascism,free enterprise,capitalism etc.?
Are you a corporatist?Is it better for corporations to control the world or governments?
Why do your corporate friends accept government aid(welfare)?Ask Mutt.
If you think Obama is a Marxist or Communist you are either propogating a myth or plain uneducated.
That is my rant!
And Harper sucks!
DeleteSo you've got a fifteen-year old video of Obama where he defends America when the interviewer impugns it?
Where's that hatred for half of the country, sorry that's your guys secret video
What else does the Republican Party have to do to prove that it hates you?
Interesting read, if you dare.
If you dare descend into dull, poorly-researched blather from ultra-right billionaire Philip Anschutz's tawdry Washinton Examiner.
DeleteI was bored shit-less by the end of the chapter that examined Obama's early life, without beginning to add anything new or substantial to the conversation.
I too am tired of lazy good for nothing moochers who sit around all day waiting for their government entitlements. I worked hard, paid my way through school and got a good job. I earn 6 figures and pay taxes at a rate higher than Mitt Romney ever has.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm tired of paying to support ignorant uneducated yahoos who sit around all day in their double-wides wearing only their underwear and wifebeater shirts, watching Fox News and listening to Rush Limbaugh. Get off your lazy drunken racist asses, go get a job and stop being leeches on society. If Mitt wins, I really hope he does cut off your welfare checks. Even then you'd still be stupid enough to keep voting Republican.
DeleteYou turned the ox News Hate, rigfh back on it's viewers.
I wonder if they see the central irony that enables so many of their lives.
White guy sitting in his easy chair watching this says to himself, "He's not talking about me. He's talking about the blacks and the browns." He then gets up to go see if his SS check is in his mailbox.
ReplyDeleteThis 47% meme is just the next thing from the corrupt media and it means nothing to any rational thinking person who is not afraid of the truth. It is a fact that no matter WHAT Romney does or says the corrupt leftist media will do its best to trash him. I only hope Americans can see through the propaganda and recognize what an absolute scumbag and terrible president Obama is.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fact that no matter WHAT Obama does or says the corrupt rightist media will do its best to trash him. I only hope Americans can see through the propaganda and recognize what an absolute unethical immoral scumbag and terrible human being Romney is.
DeleteI saw a quote that this race was between "a rather unremarkable president" vs "the least popular guy on the planet". so both sides have nothing to cheer about.
After The Great Bush Debacle, The Obama Era will be viewed very favourably.
I'm guessing the source of the quote is one of those depressed (R) pundits who's been forced to accept the reality of Romney's unelectability and has tried to comfort his audience by claiming the other guy is no better.
He is wrong.
As I said earlier Obama "saved General Motors, fought like hell to pass the ACA, brought down Gaddafi, killed Bin Laden, decimated Al-Queda and stopped the Great Recession.
If A Republican had done that they'd be chiseling his features on Mount Rushmore.
While I contest the quote, I thank you for sharing it with us.
by the way, i love the vapors.
ReplyDeleteTo winkingly paraphrase 7 Seconds:
DeleteIf we can talk together,
Why can't we can rock together?
No matter who gets elected, we'll all still need to rock out.