Saturday, January 7, 2012

I No Longer See Dead People

From a Tumblr called LIVE !, which, as you might now guess, edits dead musicians out of famous album covers for maximum poignancy. (via)


  1. cool . . . i guess

  2. How fucking offensive is that? As an almost fifty year old Ramonehead, I really dont need to be reminded of my or their mortality, asshole. Ive always liked your blog up until now. What are you, like thirty? Have you ever even seen the Ramones? Not how I want to wake on a Sunday, defintely not...

  3. Anon
    I don't see it as offensive at all, it's a shocking reminder of what we've lost. Your words indicate that it did offer you a strong reminder of our mortality, which caused you to get angry. I suppose that's an understandable reaction, so thanks for speaking your mind.

  4. Wow, what's with that guy? First off all, that album cover wasn't even created by this blog, it was a link from someone else's Tumblr... and they did a bunch of album covers -- not just Ramones. Plus, I'm pretty sure whomever made the album covers intended it to be poignant in some way. There's a whole politically-correct sensitivity going on with the reaction to this, which I think is not in line with the the mentality of that original punk era at all. I mean, this could've easily have been a cartoon in the original Punk Magazine, and people back then would've thought it was funny...

  5. Some people don't that whole Momeneto mori thing. Can't please 'em all...

  6. you could repopulate the entire Ramones just by using their drummers...

  7. I have an imaginary Ramones Tribute band which would be Marky on Drums, CJ on bass, Mickey Leigh on vocals and a guitar player yet to be named...

  8. you know i can be into some pretty weird sh*t, but that blog is just downright bizarre-o-rama....i can't relate, kinda give me the creeps LOL


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