"So I need to get rid of two huge boxes of records, can you help me out?"
Tell me that's a question that most of you wouldn't answer in the Hell-Yes-affirmative?
I actually bet a lot of the hold-outs among you would change you mind pretty quick if you saw what was in those boxes!
man's collection was nothing if not eclectic: soul, celtic, punk,
rockabilly, classical, new wave, swing, ska, mod, garage, funk, psychedelic, Indian, Spanish,
reggae, R & B, folk, pop, spirituals, hardcore, hard rock,
industrial and it just keeps diversifying. Amazing really, especially as
my own collection's is so comparatively narrow.
I will get a cut in one way or another, of course. My first instinct was to take a slice for myself and just pop down to the local vinyl store and be done with the rest of it. But the quality and depth of this collection make forming a plan a necessity. I mean, there are things in here that, to the best of my knowledge have never been digitized (more on that list later, I promise) and I can't let such a historical find slip by undocumented. So, I will be keeping some, ripping some and, finally, selling some in different places. I spent a a year buying people's vinyl collections, so trust me when I say that everyone's definition of 'the cream' of this crop will differ. I will be giving you updates on the blog and even if such vinyl excavations are unappealing, the rips that result from this will be very cool indeed. So please encourage this project with a word or two in the
COMMENTS section.
Possible cuts for me include the above. The Subhumans
Incorrect Thoughts (Friends Records version) is staying with me forever (yes, it's the same copy I wrote about
HERE) as is the 999
Concrete. The MDC 7" is also surely a keeper as is the NMA
Vengeance and the Nils
S/T. We'll see about the rest....
Current listening:
Earlier this morning listening:
Happily this mildly momentous moment coincides with me finally connecting my stero to my computer. So, while ripping is still a time-intensive task (for me anyways) that I do not adore, I will make sure you all share in this bounty in some way.