Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mittens and the ZEGS

So it appears* Mitt "Taxes? What, Taxes?" Romney has may have picked devout Randist Zombie-Eyed, Granny-Starver Paul Ryan as his running mate. Let the games begin anew!

For more on the ZEGS, phenomenon visit the viciously witty Charles P. Piece.

*Could be a fake-out but it's sourced by NBC and Politico amongst others. If it's a fake, better get your zingers in before I update!


  1. First off, his name is Paul Ryan.

    He's certainly not a "Randist".

    Ayn Rand was pro-choice.

    America's world influence would likely collapse under Romney's nut-baggery, and Ryan's foreign policies are at least something to shore up that gaping wound for the Republicans.

    Either way, America is definitely in decline...

  2. You sir are a tool. Socialisism/collectivism has failed each and every time it has been used throughout history. Individual freedom and responsibility is the only path.

    Good day to you.

    1. I'll give it about eight points on the troll scale.
      Starting off with a personal insult was great, then not reading the post itself was a nice touch but you cold only stay off-point for one sentence and you spelled all the words correctly.

  3. Bio

    First off, yes, my typo (posting in the wee hours can help those happen.)

    Second of all, I crossed out Randist because Ryan has flipped-flopped on his devotion to her:

    And finally, foreign policy? Ryan has a Foreign policy? His star has risen due on his domestic policy, specifically his voucher-based budgets. I cannot think of any qualification he has in the FP department, unless you count voting for Bush's Iraq War.

    1. Like I said: Ryan's foreign policies are at least something.

      Romney is on another planet.

  4. Jeffen, I agree with you. Man my country really is in trouble if those two get

    1. Yeah but it's good to know that people like you have the right to stop these plutocrats.

  5. Fuck Obama!!!!!!! Romney 2012

    1. So the anti-Obama portion of your message gets seven [!] exclamation marks but the pro-Romney parts gets nothing.

  6. Fuck America!!!!!!! Romney 2012

  7. Classic example that any moron can start a music blog.

    1. 'Blogger profile not available'
      And you can't even do that!

  8. ...but it takes a special kind of moron to get elected...

  9. A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote for oppression of the poor and middle class.

    1. Here's a few more good links:

    2. I'd read the "Republicans are the problem" one and the Pierce article before but that Krugamn one I'd missed and the Parks one is totally new to me.

  10. The Koch Brothers may THINK they have won something here but there won't be any swearing-in for Mittens & Co. come January. As for the rant about socialism et al., don't make me laugh . . . are you really such a lemming for the right-wing, "Anonymous," that when a rich white man says "Jump!" you have to drool and say, "How high?"

    You keep on, jeffen, your blog and your opinions are ALWAYS welcome.

    1. DWS
      The lemming-ness of the anon commenter always astounds me. It's a strange hobby...

  11. And as for being a Randist, whatever the hell that is other than a confused stew of half-baked selfish, adolescent thoughts, I wouldn't have voted for him for 8th grade student council if he even mentioned Ayn Rand (speaking of trolls, she was the queen of them, and I do mean those little misshapen creatures living under bridges).

    1. DWS
      Thanks for the good words.
      I'm willing to engage any and all comers on politics but I'm left to wonder, "where are the articulate right-wing voices?"
      All I seem to get here are trolls who curse you, ignore the words you've written and then just repeat Republican talking points.
      It makes me fear for political dialogue ion 21st century America (and by extension, Canada).

    2. It's strange how the conservative commentary is so nasty and rude. Most of them, at least on blogs and Facebook, don't want an exchange of ideas or a debate, they just try to beat you down with insults. They always cite some nutjob blogs as gospel truth, and when I provide links to legitimate news outlets like NY Times and Washington Post, they scoff at them as being "liberal media". A lot of these guys are just third rate Rush Limbaugh impersonators with the childish name calling and obnoxious comments.

    3. Awhile back, I cited an article that really cut tot the quick on this subject,

      "The right doesn’t want to have a conversation. They don’t want to use language to speak. The conservative movement has weaponized its linguistic arsenal. They have it down to an art form, or a soft science maybe. They’ve carved away at language until words become smart bombs and targeted long-range missiles."


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