Sunday, January 27, 2013

Barack Obama is Not Pleased

While I await the American president's sitting down with some less-friendly, more relentless journalists, this interview with ally Chris Hughes over at The New Republic is still a crucial read in order understand Obama's current mind-set.

And I want to be very clear here that Democrats, we've got a lot of warts, and some of the bad habits here in Washington when it comes to lobbyists and money and access really goes to the political system generally. It's not unique to one party. But when it comes to certain positions on issues, when it comes to trying to do what's best for the country, when it comes to really trying to make decisions based on fact as opposed to ideology, when it comes to being willing to compromise, the Democrats, not just here in this White House, but I would say in Congress also, have shown themselves consistently to be willing to do tough things even when it's not convenient, because it's the right thing to do. And we haven't seen that same kind of attitude on the other side.

 Who would you like to see interview Barrack Obama?


  1. Anyone who has a differing opinion. That paragraph is just more of his propaganda. Harry reid shuts the senate down at his own wit and whim!! No BO, dems are a problem too!!!!!!!

    1. But he says that in the paragraph you just dismissed...

  2. Obama and his liberal cronies are the reason America is going down the tubes. The statement above is just pure bullshit, part of the Obama propaganda machine. I can't believe you continue to drink the Kool-Aid at such an alarming rate. Rado

    1. I know the cocooned right-wing echososphere loves the Kool Aid allusion, but it's perfect proof that Republicans haven't updated their references since the late seventies.

  3. BO did such a great job with ocare that all those workers are getting their hours cut so the employers do not have to provide it. They had something before ocare and now they have less. Going down is correct!

    1. Yes, of course less people will be protected now. Carry on living in your fact-proof world.

  4. He will get impeach in about a month. John Boehner will be the next President of the U.S. I guarantee you that. And Sarah Palin will win in 2016. She's hot, y'know. :)

  5. Hmmm... are all the above comments by the same person? With the initials E R? :-)

    The Republicans didn't show any willingness to compromise before the election, and it hurt them badly. I'm hoping things will change, but I doubt it. Here's a good article in the American Conservative:

    How about Bill O'Reilly doing the interview, that would be interesting. Sarah Palin could interview Biden, I'm sure he'd be laughing his ass off in that one.

    1. Great article, Jerry Lee and, yes, I would watch O'Reilly interview Obama if he'd just turn down the dickishness 20%

  6. Glenn Greenwald, Amy Goodman, Slavoj Žižek *_* that would be interesting... and of course Noam Chomsky.


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